
投稿者: | 2019年7月31日



この国立天文台が発表する値の元は天体暦で、米国ジェット推進研究所 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL)が発表したものを利用して求められています。



Wikipedia(Jet Propulsion Laboratory Development Ephemeris)にはDE432までの改訂について記載がありますが、それ以降について記載がありませんので、いくつか抜粋しておきます。


JPL planetary and lunar ephmeris DE434

Integrated 25 November 2015

DE434 is based on DE430 documented in JPL Interplanetary Network Progress Report 42-196
http://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/42-196/196C.pdf, 15 February 2014

DE434 is specifically an update of the ephemeris of Jupiter for use by the Juno project navigation team.
This is described in JPL IOM 92R-15-018, 23 December 2015

Time span covered by the full ephemeris de434.bsp is

1549-DEC-21 00:00 to   2650-JAN-25 00:00
JD   2287184.50   to   JD   2688976.50


JPL planetary and lunar ephmeris DE436

Integrated 30 September 2016

DE436 is based on DE430 documented in JPL Interplanetary Network Progress Report 42-196
http://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/42-196/196C.pdf, 15 February 2014

DE436 is specifically an update of the ephemeris of Jupiter for use by the Juno project navigation team.

Time span covered by the full ephemeris de436.bsp is;

1549-DEC-21 00:00 to   2650-JAN-25 00:00
JD   2287184.50   to   JD   2688976.50


JPL planetary and lunar ephmeris DE438

Integrated 30 March 2018

DE438 is based on DE430 documented in JPL Interplanetary Network Progress Report 42-196
http://ipnpr.jpl.nasa.gov/progress_report/42-196/196C.pdf, 15 February 2014

Compared with DE430, DE438 has signficantly improved orbits for;

Mercury, with ranging data for the entire MESSENGER mission;
Mars, with range and VLBI of Odyssey and MRO through end of 2017;
Jupiter, with range and VLBI from Juno perijoves 1,3,6,8,10,11;
Cassini, with range re-processed follwing end of mission


